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2023 Sermons

Click here to visit the Salem United Methodist Church YouTube Channel and view past services.

Those Who Dream Sermon Series

There is a booklet to accompany Rev. Emily's next sermon series: Those Who Dream.  Limited copies are available on the table.  There are two downloadable versions: single pages and spreads.  Single pages are better for phones and Kindles, and spreads are better for computers and tablets, but either version can be used just fine.  Click here to view each of the two versions.

Sunday, January 07, 2024—Second Sunday After Christmas
Those Who Dream:  "Persevere"
Scripture:  Matthew 2:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-6
Click here to view the service (starts at the 27:48 mark).

On Epiphany, we celebrate how God’s love transverses cultural and geographical barriers to become good news for all people.  We marvel at the persistence of God to shine the way for the Magi so that they might bear witness to the divine.  We honor that the Magi trusted their dreams and returned home by another way.  As we journey forward, we carry the dreams of our ancestors in faith.  With courage and resilience, we dream on.

Sunday, December 31, 2023—First Sunday After Christmas
Those Who Dream:  "Will Not Keep Silent"
Scripture:  Luke 2:22-40, Isaiah 61:10-62:3
This service was not recorded.

God’s dreams are not for us alone.  Simeon and Anna could not keep silent—they witnessed Jesus’ divine presence in the temple and were compelled to speak up.  Like the prophet Isaiah, we will not keep silent and we will not rest until what has been sown will spring up as righteousness and peace in every nation (Is. 61:11-62:2).

Sunday, December 24, 2023—Christmas Eve
Those Who Dream:  "This Night We Are Those Who Dream"
Scripture:  Luke 2:1-20, Isaiah 9:2-7
Click here to view the service.

The Christmas story reminds us that we are all dreamers. Like those gathered around the manger, we come to this night each year with awe, wonder, and holy imagination for what is possible.  Like Mary, we treasure God’s dream in our hearts and commit to keeping it alive. : Like the holy family, we believe and trust in a God who comes to us in the vulnerability of a child.

Sunday, December 17, 2023—Fourth Sunday in Advent
Those Who Dream:  "Are Not Alone"
Scripture:  Luke 1:26-45, 2 Samuel 7:1-11 and 16, Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26
Click here to view the service (starts at the 26:00 mark).

This week, we recognize what preceded Mary’s song of praise: news that was disorienting and bewildering, possibly threatening her life.  Together, Mary and Elizabeth find courage and comfort in spite of their unusual circumstances.  We, too, are called to carry, support, and encourage one another’s dreams.

Sunday, December 10, 2023—Third Sunday in Advent
Those Who Dream:  "Sow Joy"
Scripture:  Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, Luke 1:46-55
Click here to view the service (starts at the 29:04 mark).

Ultimately, dreams sow joy, even if that joy doesn’t immediately spring forth.  Sowing seeds into the soil always feels risky and feeble—how can something so small become something so beautiful, so big, and so nourishing?  Like Mary, we are called to tend and nurture the dreams God has woven into us.

Sunday, December 03, 2023—Second Sunday in Advent
Those Who Dream:  "Prepare The Way"
Scripture:  Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1: 1-8
Click here to view the service (starts at the 23:40 mark).

John the Baptist calls the crowds into the journey of repentance and transformation.  Similarly, we are called to prepare the way for God’s message of love and liberation to be shouted, heard, and received.  Those who dream make way for righteousness and peace to kiss, for faithfulness to spring up from the ground (Ps. 85:10-11).

Sunday, November 26, 2023—First Sunday in Advent
Those Who Dream:  "Keep Awake"
Scripture:  Mark 13:24-37, Isaiah 64:1-9,Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19
Click here to view the service (starts at the 24:18 mark).

Those who dream do not fall asleep to the realities of the world.  God prompts us to pay attention to where God’s dreams for change and new life are emerging.  In Advent, we remember that God’s ultimate dream is to be intimately connected to us— to come down and dwell among us.  As we keep awake, we join Isaiah and the psalmist in pleading for restoration and for God to draw near.

I've Been Meaning To Ask Sermon Series (Part Two)

Sunday, November 19, 2023—Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
I've Been Meaning To Ask:  "Does God Have Favorites?"
Scripture:  Luke 15: 3-7, 8-10, 11-32; Matthew 20: 1-16
This service was not recorded.

I’ve been meaning to ask ... does God have favorites?  This question and others like it start popping up as soon as we’re aware of mortality.  So does He?

Sunday, November 12, 2023—Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
I've Been Meaning To Ask:  "What is heaven like?"
Scripture:  Revelation 21: 1-7; 22-27; Matthew 20: 1-16
Click here to view the service (starts at the 29:13 mark).

I’ve been meaning to ask ... what is heaven like?  This question and others like it start popping up as soon as we’re aware of mortality.  So what IS heaven like?

Sunday, November 05, 2023—Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
I've Been Meaning To Ask:  "Will I see people I love in heaven?"
Scripture:  Revelation 7: 9-17/1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
Click here to view the service (starts at the 27:17 mark).

This question and others like it start popping up as soon as we’re aware of mortality.
Will I see people I love in heaven?

Our Money Story Sermon Series

Sunday, October 29, 2023—Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Our Money Story:  Restore
Scripture:  John 21: 1-14/Genesis 33: 1-17
Click here to view the service (starts at the 21:13 mark).

As we have practiced remembering, releasing, and reimagining, we conclude Our Money Story by focusing on restoration.  Ultimately, practicing faithful stewardship heals us as individuals and helps us restore right relationship with one another.  In Genesis 33, Jacob and Esau experience a surprising reconciliation after years of strife and estrangement.  In the final chapter of John’s gospel, Jesus appears to the disciples and fills their empty fishing nets.  Even after death, Jesus restores our hope and provides an abundant feast.

Sunday, October 22, 2023—Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
Our Money Story:  Reimagine
Scripture:  Mark 12: 38-44/Leviticus 19: 9-10; 25: 8-12
Click here to view the service (starts at the 23:52 mark).

Scripture calls us to reimagine a world where our social and economic systems are not built to disparage or impoverish, but instead to provide for and benefit all.  This week we revisit the story of the widow’s mite, a scripture that begs for reimagination and reinterpretation from the harmful ways it has been used.  Instead of commending the widow’s giving practices perhaps Jesus is condemning the economic system that created her poverty.  The Jewish practice of the Jubilee year invites us to imagine leaving the edge of the harvest for the poor and immigrant to reap; in the fiftieth year, the harvest is shared and disparities are rebalanced.  In light of these stories in scripture, we are called to reimagine our own money stories.

Sunday, October 15, 2023—Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Our Money Story:  Release
Scripture:  Matthew 19: 16-22/Deuteronomy 15: 1-11
Click here to view the service (starts at the 29:27 mark).

This week we practice releasing shame, anxiety, guilt, greed or anything that keeps us from freedom and wholeness.  We release the elements of our money story that prevent us from fully living into God’s story.  In Matthew, we see a man grieved to let go of his wealth.  In Deuteronomy, we find the radical social mandate of cancelled debts, a communal release that is practiced for the good of all.  Releasing is a spiritual practice that frees us from ourselves and liberates others.

Sunday, October 08, 2023—Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Our Money Story:  Remember
Scripture:  Luke 22: 1-23/Exodus 16: 1-18
Click here to view the service (starts at the 27:03 mark).

We begin our series by looking back at what our spoken and unspoken money stories have been and how those stories have impacted our practices of stewardship.  In these texts, we remember God’s steadfast relationship with us throughout time and trials.  We remember that Judas betrayed Jesus in exchange for money but was still invited to the table.  We remember that the Israelites complained in the wilderness but were met with manna.  Even in stories of desperation and deep betrayal, we are gifted with God’s provision—of the feast of enough, and the holy meal of remembrance.

I've Been Meaning To Ask Sermon Series

Click here to learn more about this series.

Sunday, October 01, 2023—Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
I've Been Meaning To Ask:  "Where Do We Go From Here?"
Scripture:  Ruth 1:1-22/Acts 10
Click here to view the service (starts at the 08:22 mark).

Sunday, September 24, 2023—Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Guest Preacher:  Jim Semmel
I've Been Meaning To Ask:  "Where Does It Hurt?"
Scripture:  Romans 7: 15-25/Psalm 61: 1-4
Click here to view the service (starts at the 31:00 mark).

Sunday, September 17, 2023—Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
I've Been Meaning To Ask:  "What Do You Need?"
Scripture:  Job 2: 11-13/2 Timothy 4: 9-18
Click here to view the service (starts at the 14:56 mark).

Sunday, September 10, 2023—Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
I've Been Meaning To Ask:  "Where Are You From"
Scripture:  Genesis 2: 4b-15/John 1: 35-51
Click here to view the service (starts at the 25:15 mark).

Truly Live Sermon Series

Sunday, September 03, 2023—Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Truly Live Sermon Series:  "Pray"
Scripture:  Matthew 11: 25-30
Click here to view the service (starts at the 20:52 mark).

Sunday, August 27, 2023—Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Truly Live Sermon Series:  "Suffering"
Scripture:  Job 3: 1-10
Click here to view the service (starts at the 21:14 mark).

Sunday, August 20, 2023—Twelth Sunday after Pentecost
Truly Live Sermon Series:  "Purpose"
Scripture:  I Samuel 3: 1-10
Click here to view the service (starts at the 19:57 mark).

Sunday, August 13, 2023—Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Truly Live Sermon Series:  "Eating"
Scripture:  Matthew 25: 35-40, Matthew 15: 29-39
Click here to view the service (starts at the 23:34 mark).

Sunday, August 06, 2023—Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Truly Live Sermon Series:  "Bathing"
Scripture:  Psalm 51: 7-12
Click here to view the service (starts at the 23:04 mark).

Sunday, July 30, 2023—Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Truly Live Sermon Series:  "Life Rhythms—Dance"
Scripture:  Matthew 3: 13-17
This service was not recorded.

Sunday, July 23, 2023—Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Truly Live Sermon Series:  "Create"
Scripture:  Genesis 1
This service was not recorded.

Sunday, July 16, 2023—Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Truly Live Sermon Series:  "Attention"
Scripture:  Exodus 3: 1-6
Click here to view the service (starts at the 0:06 mark).

Sunday, July 09, 2023—Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Truly Live Sermon Series:  "How Does Rest Honor God"
Scripture:  Exodus 20: 8-11, Leviticus 25: 3-7
Click here to view the service (starts at the 22:23 mark).

Sunday, July 02, 2023—Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Joint Service with St. Paul United Methodist Church
Sermon Title:  "Breathe"
Click here to view the service.

WORSHIP AND COOKOUT IN THE PARK will be held at 9:30 A.M. at Sundown Park, 6200 Sundown Road.
Please join us for this special worship service and stay afterwards for some hot dogs and hamburgers
with all the trimmings!&mnsp; This one is special because our sister congregation, Salem UMC is joining us.
Rev. Emily Hart will be preaching!  Remember to bring a chair!

Thirsty Sermon Series

Sunday, June 25, 2023—Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Thirsty Sermon Series:  "Parched"
Scripture:  Genesis 21:8-21
Click here to view the service (starts at the 9:19 mark).

Sunday, June 18, 2023—Third Sunday after Pentecost
Thirsty Sermon Series:  "Hospitality"
Scripture:  Genesis 18: 1-15
Click here to view the service (starts at the 29:28 mark).

Sunday, June 11, 2023—Second Sunday after Pentecost
Thirsty Sermon Series:  "Ordering Chaos"
Scripture:  Genesis 1:2-4
Click here to view the service (starts at the 20:26 mark).

Sunday, June 04, 2023—Pentecost
Thirsty Sermon Series:  "Are You Thirsty?"
Scripture:  John 7:37-39
Click here to view the service (starts at the 18:20 mark).

Easter 2023 Sermon Series: Seeking Jesus When Things Fall Apart

Sunday, May 28, 2023—Indoor Service
Easter Sermon Series:  "Our Diverse God Calls Us to Community"
Scripture:  Acts 2:1-2
Click here to view the service (starts at the 31:40 mark).

Sunday, May 21, 2023—Indoor Service
Easter Sermon Series:  "Our Triune God Prays For Our Unity"
Scripture:  John 17:1-11
Click here to view the service (starts at the 27:00 mark).

Sunday, May 14, 2023—Indoor Service
Easter Sermon Series:  "Our God Plans An Advocate For You"
Scripture:  John 14:15-21
Click here to view the service (starts at the 36:26 mark).

Sunday, May 07, 2023—Indoor Service
Easter Sermon Series:  "Our Trustworthy God Answers Prayer"
Scripture:  John 14:1‐14
This service was not recorded.

Sunday, April 30, 2023—Indoor Service
Easter Sermon Series:  "Our Good Shepherd Gives us Abundant Life"
Scripture:  John 10:1‐10
Click here to view the service (starts at the 28:00 mark).

Sunday, April 23, 2023—Indoor Service
Easter Sermon Series:  "Our Knowable Jesus Journeys With Us"
Scripture:  Luke 24:13‐35
Click here to view the service (starts at the 14:14 mark).

Sunday, April 16, 2023—Indoor Service
Easter Sermon Series:  "Our Scared Lord Gives Us What We Need To Believe"
Scripture:  John 20:19-31
Click here to view the service (starts at the 4:40 mark).

Lent 2023 Sermon Series

Click here to follow the "The Lives We Actually Have—Daily Online Guide."

Sunday, April 09, 2023—Indoor Service (Easter Sunday)
Lent Sermon Series:  "Blessed Are Those Who Still Hope"
Scripture:  John 20:1-18
Click here to view the service (starts at the 27:55 mark).

Sunday, April 02, 2023—Indoor Service (Palm Sunday)
Lent Sermon Series:  "Blessed Are The Rejected"
Scripture:  Matthew 21:1-11
Click here to view the service (starts at the 21:50 mark).

Sunday, March 26, 2023—Indoor Service
Lent Sermon Series:  "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn"
Scripture:  John 11:1-45
Click here to view the service (starts at the 18:45 mark).

Sunday, March 19, 2023—Indoor Service
Lent Sermon Series:  "Blessed Are Those Who Feel Alone"
Scripture:  John 9:13-38 and Psalm 23
Click here to view the service (starts at the 36:36 mark).

Sunday, March 12, 2023—Indoor Service
Lent Sermon Series:  "Blessed Are Those Who Suffer"
Scripture:  Romans 5:1-11
Click here to view the service (starts at the 32:17 mark).

Sunday, March 05, 2023—Indoor Service
Lent Sermon Series:  "Blessed Are The Curious"
Scripture:  John 3:1-17
Click here to view the service (starts at the 21:12 mark).

Sunday, February 26, 2023—Indoor Service
Lent Sermon Series:  "Blessed Are The Imperfect"
Scripture:  Matthew 4:1-11
This service was not recorded.

Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023—
Joint Service at St. Paul United Methodist Church (Rev. Emily Hart, preaching)
Scripture:  Matthew 6:1-6 and 16-21
Click here to view the service.

Unpack Matthew Sermon Series

Sunday, February 19, 2023—Indoor Service
Unpack Matthew:  To Be Determined
Scripture:  Matthew 16:24-17:8
Click here to view the service (starts at the 19:56 mark).

Sunday, February 12, 2023—Indoor Service
Unpack Matthew:  "Parables of Growing Things"
Scripture:  Matthew 13:24-30
Click here to view the service (starts at the 9:34 mark).

Sunday, February 05, 2023—Indoor Service
Unpack Matthew:  "The Golden Rule"
Scripture:  Matthew 7:12
Click here to view the service (starts at the 16:19 mark).

Sunday, January 29, 2023—Indoor Service
Unpack Matthew:  "Necessities"
Scripture:  Matthew 6:7-21 [25-34]
Click here to view the service.

Sunday, January 22, 2023—Indoor Service
Unpack Matthew:  "Happiness"
Scripture:  Matthew 5:1-20
Click here to view the service (starts at the 19:22 mark).

Sunday, January 15, 2023—Indoor Service
Unpack Matthew:  "Temptation"
Scripture:  Matthew 4:1-17
Click here to view the service (starts at the 12:23 mark).

Sunday, January 08, 2023—Indoor Service
Unpack Matthew:  "We Keep Seeking"
Scripture:  Matthew 2:1-23
Click here to view the service.

New Year's Day, January 01, 2023—Indoor Service
Covenant Renewal:  "We See God in Each Other"
Scripture:  2 Kings 23:1-3
Click here to view the service.

Click here to visit the 2022 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2021 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2020 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2019 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2018 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2017 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2016 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2015 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2014 Sermons Series Archive.



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