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SERVE >> Serving The Community


Lord's Table



The Lord’s Table Soup Kitchen operates at Epworth United Methodist Church, 9008 Rosemont Drive, Gaithersburg, MD.  Volunteers from Salem United Methodist Church and other churches prepare a hot meal for those in need on the first Friday of the month.  If you are interested in serving, contact the organization at

Olney Help

Olney HELP has been providing food and financial assistance to area families since 1969.  Olney HELP was formerly known as Olney Fish and was started by a group of local Quakers and other area church members.  It’s a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides short-term emergency food and financial assistance to individuals and families in Olney, Sandy Spring, Ashton, Brinklow, and Brookeville MD.

You may now leave non-perishable food donations in the box in the Meeting Room behind the Sanctuary.
The items most needed are:

Pancake syrup
Boxes of instant potatoes
Helpers—hamburger, chicken, tuna
Canned pasta
Sloppy joe sauce
Canned/pouches tuna
Canned meats—chicken, corned beef, salmon, etc.
Bottles of shelf stable juice (no juice boxes right now)
Pasta sauce—plain kinds please
Snacks for kids—granola bars, raisins, crackers, Goldfish crackers, etc.

Click here to pay a visit to the Olney HELP website.

Their mailing address is P.O. Box 430, Olney, MD 20830.  To volunteer, call (301) 774-6829.

Thanksgiving Baskets

During the Thanksgiving Season our congregation, along with other houses of worship, participate in the St. Peter’s Catholic Church (Olney) county-wide food basket drive.  Our congregation provides food for a complete holiday meal, a grocery store gift card and decorative items to fill baskets for four families.  Shopping lists, sign-up information and drop-off times will be posted as Thanksgiving approaches.

Christmas Baskets

During the Christmas Season our congregation, along with other houses of worship, participate in the St. Peter’s Catholic Church (Olney) county-wide food basket drive.  Our congregation provides food for a complete holiday meal, a grocery store gift card, and decorative items to fill baskets for four families.  Shopping lists, sign-up information and drop-off times will be posted as Christmas approaches.

Christmas Giving to YMCA Youth Links Mentoring Program

During the Christmas season, Salem United Methodist Church works with YMCA Youth Links—an at-risk youth mentoring program—to provide gifts for the children at their annual Christmas party.  Youth Links is a merger of the Bridges-to-Pals Program and the YMCA Youth and Family Services.


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Site Last Updated:  March 24, 2025
Site Redesign Start Date:  February 26, 2018