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CONTACT US >> Renting/Using The Sanctuary (Salem Hall)


The Sanctuary (Salem Hall)

Salem United Methodist Church’s mission involves being a resource to our community.  One way we accomplish this is by allowing outside groups to use the resources of our Sanctuary.  We welcome you to consider our facilities for your event.  We have set forth policies that we ask be followed for the safety and protection of everyone involved.  Please review these policies and get in touch with us today to schedule your event!

The 2023 Facility Use Agreement is provided in a PDF format that can be download, filled out and sent to the church.

User Fees

  • Church:  $150.00 per use
  • Community Hall:  $150.00 per use
  • Organizations such as scouts, MOM groups, or AA which meet on a regular basis will pay $1.00/person/use.


  1. The area of use is limited to that for which permission is granted.
  2. The undersigned adult(s) agree to assume responsibility for the proper care of the facilities and the conduct of those attending.&nbp; The undersigned adult or adults must be present at all times during the activity and shall oversee all children and youth activities.
  3. All facilities must be vacated by 9:30 P.M.
  4. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on or around the church property (including the church parking lot).
  5. Smoking is not permitted in the buildings or bathrooms.  Smoking is allowed outdoors.  A cigarette disposal receptacle is located by the back door of the Community Hall.  Please smoke only near this receptacle.
  6. Groups using the facility are financially responsible for any physical damage resulting from their use.

Rules for Facility Use

Please observe these rules as the future use of these facilities is dependent on the care taken by all users.

  • Should the temperature of the room(s) being used need to be adjusted, this is done by using the “Up” or “Down” arrows on the right side of each thermostat.  PLEASE do not adjust any other functions on the thermostats.
  • Please leave the rooms clean and set up the way you found them.  Brooms and mops are located in the closet between the two restrooms.
  • Deposit trash in the receptacles to the right side of the garage behind the Community Hall.
  • Upon leaving, close and lock doors as instructed by the Pastor or Church Administrator.
  • Close and lock any opened windows.  Turn off all lights and fans, including in the rest rooms.
  • Do not play the piano or use it as a table for food and drink.
  • Report any physical damage to the Pastor.



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Copyright © 2025  Salem United Methodist Church  All Rights Reserved

Site Last Updated:  March 24, 2025
Site Redesign Start Date:  February 26, 2018