Mini-Mission #2 has begun! We are collecting items to pack in hygiene kits
for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). If you picked up a list of
items to purchase, please bring those items to church this coming Sunday (March 30)
and place them in baskets in the sanctuary. If you still want to participate,
you'll have one more opportunity to pick up a list. Please bring those items
to church on Sunday, April 06. That will be our Packing Day!!
These kits will be sent all over the world in response to disasters.
Click here to view a list of items needed.
Q: Do I have to wait for the collection day to bring my stuff?
A: Nope! You can start bringing stuff for each mini mission as soon as you want.
Q: I won’t be there on the collection day, can I bring my stuff later?
A: For Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless (MCCH) and UMCOR, no, these cannot be accepted later
because they will need to be sent or driven over specifically. However,
we always collect for Olney Help,
so you can bring these donations at any time.
Q: It says the supplies need to be “new and unopened.” I have new things that
have been opened.
Since they’re still new, can I bring that anyway?
A: Unfortunately, no. None of the groups will be able to accept opened materials
even if they have
never been used. Although, MCCH may take a new unwrapped item if we wrap it up nicely.
Q: Do these really meet a need in our community?
A: Yes! We have contact with each group and know that these are tangible ways we can help meet
needs in our community. Each group also has other ways we can help if you want to do more.
Q: How can I learn more about these organizations?
A: You can visit their websites! We’ll learn more about each while we collect supplies for them as well.
Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless (www.mcch.net)
United Methodist Church Missions (https://umcmission.org/umcor/)
Olney Help (http://www.olneyhelp.org)

On Sunday, March 09, we will begin collecting bedding for the Montgomery County Coalition
for the Homeless. See flyers that will be circulated soon!

Since 1990, Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless (MCCH) has provided solutions
to end home-lessness in Montgomery County. What initially began with three paid
staff operating a loose network of emergency shelters and soup kitchens has grown to
over 150 employees operating ten programs that serve approximately 1,600 men, women,
and children each year. MCCH provides four solutions to ensuring that homelessness
is a rare, brief and nonrecurring experience:
1. Emergency shelter to meet the needs of men and women currently experiencing homelessness;
2. Permanent supportive housing to help formerly homeless families and single adults remain stably housed;
3. Advocating for systemic change to create efficient and effective means of responding to homelessness
in our community;
4. Expanding the supply of affordable housing with our affiliate agency, Coalition Homes,
to ensure that everyone in Montgomery County has a safe, stable and affordable place to call home.
Salem’s mini-mission is to help MCCH by supplying these items, new and in their packaging:
• Queen sheets
• Pillow and pillowcase
• Queen blanket/comforter
These items help supply shelters and supportive housing with bedding needs.
Bring the items you have purchased to the Community Hall on March 09 and March 16.
We’ll load them into cars on March 16 and drive them to the MCCH Admin Hub, 2301 Research Blvd.,
Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20850 on Tuesday, March 18 at 10:00 A.M.