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WORSHIP >> What We Believe


One God in Three

We profess faith in One God, incarnate in Jesus the Christ for our salvation, and ever at work in human history through the Holy Spirit.

God’s Grace

Our lives are a journey of God’s grace.  We believe in God’s grace as always present with us even before we recognize it.  God’s grace leads us to become aware of our sin, that which separates us from God and each other, to seek forgiveness through God’s redemptive love made known to us through Jesus the Christ, and transforms us to holy living.

Holy Living

Holy living is to attend to one’s relationship with God through daily devotions, reading the Bible, prayer, worshiping God both in private and with the church community, and attending to the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.  Holy living is also attending to one’s relationship with others through serving unselfishly, sharing one’s faith with others, and seeking justice.

Preaching and Teaching

Our preaching and teaching is based on the Word of God as revealed through the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, informed by the Christian tradition throughout the ages, tested by our ability to reason, and through our experience of the Holy in our daily living.


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Site Last Updated:  March 24, 2025
Site Redesign Start Date:  February 26, 2018