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CONNECT >> Sunday School at Salem


“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"

Salem is offering Sunday School for toddlers through fifth graders on the third Sunday of each month from 9:15 A.M until church service ends at 10:30 A.M.  It will be held in a room adjacent to the Sanctuary.

Salem’s Sunday School is a safe space for children to have in-person fellowship with other children while learning about God’s love for them through Biblical storytelling and activities.


Our licensed childcare provider is an experienced teacher.  After Sunday School and church, everyone is invited to the Community Hall next door for social time and light refreshments.  We look forward to welcoming your child/children to Sunday School!


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Copyright © 2025  Salem United Methodist Church  All Rights Reserved

Site Last Updated:  March 24, 2025
Site Redesign Start Date:  February 26, 2018