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GIVE >> How To Give

  There are many ways to give back to God in our communities through our gifts of service, money, and time.  If you feel called to give through monetary support, we thank you.  This tells us that you believe in our mission at Salem and believe that we are making a difference in our community and in the world.  Thank you for partnering with us!

There are a number of ways you can support Salem.  You can:

Give to our General Operating Budget.  We use these funds for budgetary needs including the Pastor and Music Director’s salary, utilities, building maintenance and mission outreach.  Pledges/tithing and general giving go into this account.  If you’d like more information on how we use these funds, email Rev. Emily for access to a video about our 2021 spending and an interview with our treasurer.
Give to the Discretionary Account.  Through this account, Rev. Emily provides direct assistance to people experiencing a financial hardship.  All gifts from this account are confidential.
Give to the Legacy Fund.  This fund is separate from our operating expenses and is used to support projects and improvements to our church.  The Leadership Team determines how the money is used.
Give to the Memorial Fund.  These donations are given in memory of someone who has passed.  Contributions to the Salem Memorial Fund may be earmarked for a specific tribute to the deceased or used for Special Projects needing funding.
Give to Special Projects.  Currently, we are working with neighborhood students to improve the playground.  All playground improvements will be approved by the Leadership Team and the neighborhood students who use the yard most often.

There are four ways you can send contributions.

1. Use PayPal.  Click on the "Donate" icon below.

2. Use VANCO.

VANCO is a faith-based giving service that transfers donations directly from your bank account.  You can sign up for regular giving or make one-time gifts.  Funds obtained through VANCO are directed to the General Operating Budget or can be ear-marked for the Discretionary Fund.  Click here to use the online form on this Web site or visit the VANCO Web site.  The form can be copied and mailed to Salem or used directly from the Web site.

3. Use the phone app GIVE PLUS.

Donations made through GIVE PLUS will be directed to the General Operating Budget.

4. Send CHECKS for any of the funds.

Contributions to the Memorial Fund, the Legacy Fund, or Special Projects MUST be made by check. 

       Salem UMC
     12 High Street
     Brookeville, MD  20833

Note:  Cash contributions should only be made during in-person services.  Do not mail cash.


Web Site Design by Mindsights Mediaworks
Copyright © 2025  Salem United Methodist Church  All Rights Reserved

Site Last Updated:  March 24, 2025
Site Redesign Start Date:  February 26, 2018