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2022 Sermon Archive

Click here to visit the Salem United Methodist Church YouTube Channel and view past services.

Christmas 2022

Christmas Day, December 25, 2022—Virtual Service
With Eden Chapel UMC, Hunt's Church, Salem UMC, and St. Paul UMC
Click here to view the service.

Christmas Eve, December 24, 2022—Indoor Service
This was the 7:30 P.M. Traditional Christmas Eve Service.
Click here to view the service.

Christmas Eve, December 24, 2022—Indoor Service
This was the 5:00 P.M. Family Service.
Click here to view the service.

Rest For Your Weary Soul, December 19, 2022—Indoor Service
Music by Alan Naylor
Click here to view the service.

From Generation to Generation Sermon Series

Sunday, December 18, 2022—Indoor Service
Fourth Sunday of Advent:  “We See God in Each Other"
Scripture:  Luke 1:39‐45; 56‐58 | Luke 1:46‐55
Click here to view the service.

This week we return to Mary’s experience.  After receiving the news from the angel, she retreats to her cousin Elizabeth’s house.  When Mary arrives (perhaps unannounced), Elizabeth doesn’t just welcome her—she is filled with the Holy Spirit and speaks a blessing upon Mary as her own child leaps and kicks within her womb.  She sees how God is at work and names it out loud.  In this moment of profound solidarity, Mary and Elizabeth see the divine in one another.  From generation to generation, we can see how God is at work in our relationships.  The way we see the divine in each other impacts how we live and move in the world.  When we view every human being as a child of God, we generate a different world.

Sunday, December 11, 2022—Indoor Service (Poinsettia Sunday)
Third Sunday of Advent:  “We Can Choose a Better Way"
Scripture:  Matthew 1:18-25, Isaiah 35:1-10
Click here to view the service (starts at the 6:39 mark).

As far as Joseph knows, his new wife has been unfaithful to him and broken their marriage contract.  And yet, instead of punishment, he chooses not to publicly disgrace or humiliate her.  This interruption in his life becomes a holy invitation when the angel comes to him in a dream and says, “Do not be afraid.”  When he awakes, Joseph once again has the courage to choose a better way.  He chooses to stay with Mary, to become an adoptive parent.  He chooses peace over violence, grace over condemnation.  When have our ancestors also chosen a better way, and when have they not?  Isaiah 35 is a vision of what happens when we choose a better way: the wilderness blooms, water breaks forth in the desert, eyes are opened, ears are unstopped, sorrow and sadness flee away.  A highway shall appear and it will become a holy way.

Sunday, December 04, 2022—Indoor Service
Second Sunday of Advent:  “God Meets Us in Our Fears"
Scripture:  Luke 1:26-38, Isaiah 11:1-10
Click here to view the service (starts at the 5:30 mark).

When the angel Gabriel comes to Mary, she is perplexed and confused—and no doubt, afraid.  And yet, the angel’s news is: “Do not be afraid.”  Do not be afraid.  We hear this refrain all throughout the Christmas story and remember it is the most common phrase in all the Bible.  From generation to generation, God shows up in the midst of our fear and uncertainty and confusion.  From generation to generation, faithful people have said “yes” despite apprehension.  From generation to generation, our ancestors in faith have accepted the invitation.  The prophecy in Isaiah paints a vision of what we work toward when we say “yes”: righteousness and equity reign, the wolf lives with the lamb, no harm or hurt shall destroy the earth, a child shall lead the way.

Sunday, November 27, 2022—Indoor Service
First Sunday of Advent:  “There’s Room for Every Story"
Scripture:  Matthew 1:1-17, Isaiah 2:1-5
Click here to view the service (starts at the 15:04 mark).

Our series begins with Matthew’s genealogy.  In that long list of names, we remember the trauma and triumph of those who came before; each name holds a story and their story gives way to Christ’s story.  When you zoom in, you may not be able to see how each character propels the story forward, but when you zoom out, you can see how each story is woven together into a larger tapestry.  The Isaiah passage illustrates a convergence of opposing groups and identities coming together.  Instead of the way of the past—of war—they learn a new way by transforming their weapons into gardening tools.  What are the old paths that we’ve followed, and where must we diverge into a new way?

Together for Joy Sermon Series

Sunday, November 20, 2022—Indoor Service
Establish Justice
Scripture:  Psalm 98:7-9
Click here to view the service (starts at the 39:59 mark).

7  Let the sea and everything in it roar;
     the world and all its inhabitants too.
8  Let all the rivers clap their hands;
     let the mountains rejoice out loud altogether
9  Before the Lord because he is coming to establish justice on the earth!
     he will establish justice among all people fairly.

Sunday, November 13, 2022—Indoor Service
Shout Triumphantly
Scripture:  Psalm 98:4-6
Click here to view the service (starts at the 28:48 mark).

4  Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth!  Be happy!
     Rejoice out loud!  Sing your praises!
5  Sing your praises to the Lord with the lyre—
     with the lyre and the sound of music.
6  With trumpets and a horn blast,
     shout triumphantly before the Lord, the king!

Sunday, November 06, 2022—Indoor Service
Sing A New Song
Scripture:  Psalm 98:1-3

1  Sing to the Lord a new song because he has done wonderful things!
     His own strong hand and his own holy arm have won the victory!
2  The Lord has made his salvation widely known; he has revealed his righteousness
     in the eyes of all the nations.
3  God has remembered his loyal love and faithfulness to the house of Israel;
     every corner of the earth has seen our God’s salvation.

Equipped To Do Good—2 Timothy Sermon Series

Sunday, October 30, 2022—Indoor Service
Our Inheritance
Scripture:  Ephesians 1:11-23
Click here to view the service.
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

Today, we celebrate All Saint’s Day.  It is a day to remember and celebrate those who have gone before us—our “cloud of witnesses.”  Scripture tells us that we receive an interitance in Christ that makes us God’s people.  This is good news!  It means we can never go so far from God that we are separated for good.  Instead, in life and in death we are connected to God forever.  Hallelujah!

Sunday, October 23, 2022—Indoor Service
Equipped with Strength
Scripture:  2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18
Click here to view the service (starts at the 23:56 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

What does it feel like to be at the end of a season?  Our author believes he is at the end of his life and is celebrating the way God has been with him.  Do you celebrate God when you are in a season of transition?

Sunday, October 16, 2022—Indoor Service
Equipped to Preach
Scripture:  2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
Click here to view the service (starts at the 16:50 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

Is scripture useful?  2 Timothy says it is useful for “teaching, showing mistakes, for correcting, and for training character.”  When it part of us, our lives become a sermon we preach through living.  What does the sermon of your life teach?

Sunday, October 09, 2022—Indoor Service
Equipped to Speak
Scripture:  2 Timothy 2: 8-15
Click here to view the service.
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

How often do we “engage in battles over words that aren’t helpful and destroy those who hear them?”  This passage, while it is certainly written in a different time to a specific audience feels incredibly relevant to our lives right now.  Do you choose your words with love?

Sunday, October 02, 2022—Indoor Service
Receive God's Gift
Scripture:  2 Timothy 1: 1-14
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

Who taught you about faith?  Timothy learned faith from his mother Eunice and his grandmother, Lois.  However, he still needs to claim his faith for himself.  Paul encourages him to “revive God’s gift that is in you through the laying on of my hands.”  While others can start us in faith, at some point we need to claim it for ourselves.  Have you claimed your faith?

Covenant Sermon Series

Sunday, September 25, 2022—Indoor Service
What if I break the Covenant?  Covenant
Scripture:  Joshua 24: 1-26
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

We’ve been making a big deal about covenants.  However, the people aren’t very good at holding up their end of the bargain.  In Joshua we see a return to the covenant.  First Joshua reminds of people of their history with God, then he declares that he and his household will serve the Lord.  If you’ve strayed from your covenant with God, or if you want to make one anew, there is always time to be like Joshua and declare yourself with God!

Sunday, September 18, 2022—Indoor Service
What Covenant Does God Make?:  Starting with Abram
Scripture:  Genesis 12: 1-9
Click here to view the service (starts at the 30:00 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

This week we see one of God’s promises to Abram to make him into a chosen nation.  This is a covenant and a call story—all in one!  Has God called you to something?  Have you made a covenant with God?

Sunday, September 11, 2022—Indoor Service
Early Covenants:  Noah and the Flood
Scripture:  Genesis 9: 8-17
Click here to view the service (starts at the 16:40 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

One of the earliest covenants is with Noah and his family.  Do you remember the story of the ark and the great flood?  It started because God regretted creating something that was so wicked (read—humans).  God decided to start over.  And yet, afterwards, God made a covenant with Noah that He would never again flood the earth.  Are humans still wicked?  Does God ever regret creating us?  Is God still faithful to the covenant?  Are we?

Prophet Margins Sermon Series

What might we learn if we took the risk to listen?  If we took the risk to let these holy ones of God become our traveling companions on our summer journey?  We might be troubled, and we will be, but we might also be lifted up.  We might be challenged, but we might find reasons for hope, or we might find a renewed vision that inspires us for all the journeys we make.  So, what do you say? Are you up for a journey this summer, a journey to the edge of our faith?  Then you’re ready for “Prophet Margins.”


Sunday, September 04, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—Made of Clay
Scripture:  Jeremiah 18: 1‐11
Click here to view the service (starts at the 26:09 mark).

Sunday, August 28, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—Cracked Cisterns
Scripture:  Jeremiah 2: 4‐13
Click here to view the service (starts at the 17:40 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

Part of what worship could offer this week are ways to practice the presence of God in the in‐between times.  What can we do throughout the week to be reminded that God is with us?  How could we pray, what could we read, what might we do with and for one another to keep us on track and close to God?  This is an opportunity for the spiritual disciplines.

Sunday, August 21, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—I Knew You
Scripture:  Jeremiah 1: 4‐10
Click here to view the service (starts at the 17:40 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

We’re back on more comfortable ground this week. Here we have the promise of presence.  Supposedly, John Wesley’s final words were “best thing of all, God is with us.”  We love to celebrate that God is with us and we are not alone.  That is a powerful message at any time of the year.

Sunday, August 14, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—Yielding Wild Grapes
Scripture:  Isaiah 5: 1-7
Click here to view the service (starts at the 36:50 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

What if we celebrate the church by featuring what happens outside the church?  What if we lift up ministry that may be happening in small ways throughout our neighborhood, or city, or world?  What if we take time to point out that the church is wherever the congregation is and does whatever it is each member does?

Sunday, August 07, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—Learn to Do Good
Scripture:  Isaiah 1: 1; 10-20
Click here to view the service (starts at the 14:27 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

If there was a stage you’d probably prefer to skip, it would be this one.  Isaiah seems at his grumpiest height.  Sure, that’s the rep that prophets have.  But it seems excessive here.  Yet, as a crusader for justice, you have to ruffle a few feathers from time to time.  To get something done, you need a “just saith the Lord” now and again.  And Isaiah is ready to step up to the plate for this one.

Sunday, July 31, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—Cords of Kindness (Buck Bartley is preaching)
Scripture:  Hosea 11: 1-11
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.
[This service was not recorded.]

In part one of this stage, we were given the model of love of husband and wife.  Now our text brings us the image of the love of children given to our care.  This seems like familiar ground, even if we’ve not been parents.

Sunday, July 24, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—Pity on the House
Scripture:  Hosea 1: 2-10
Click here to view the service (starts at the 21:45 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

Hosea puts to rest that old cliché that the Old Testament is about the God of Law and Judgement and the New Testament is about the God of Love.  The God of the Hebrew Scriptures is much more complex than such an adage can describe.  As is the God of the New Testament, of course.  But here we have a God who calls for risky love.  It is a love that responds lovingly even when hurt, even when not returned.

Sunday, July 17, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—Living In A Bitter Day
Scripture:  Amos 8: 1-12
Click here to view the service.
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

What is underneath our wealth, our comfort, our excess?  Who is suffering, who is hurting, who is decaying like the basket of summer fruit in our text, which is coming to the end of its summer?  That’s the look that we’re invited to take today.

Sunday, July 10, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—What Do You See?
Scripture:  Amos 7: 7-17
Click here to view the service.
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

If Elisha wants us to listen, Amos wants us to look.  God’s repeated word to Amos was, “What do you see?”  It was an invitation to pay attention, to take off the rose-colored glasses and really see what was before him.  How often do we really pay attention to the world around us?

Sunday, July 03, 2022—Indoor Service
Prophet Margins—Wash and Be Clean
Scripture:  2 Kings 5: 1-14
Click here to view the service (starts at the 15:40 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

Our text is about obedience and about submitting to authority, but it is also about recognizing the voice of God in the voices of others.  Naaman had little reason to listen to Elisha, except that he listened to the voice of the refugee girl whom he made a servant in his house.  What does it take to hear the voice of God?  To whom do we listen?

Like A Woman Sermon Series

Daughter, mother, aunt, sister.  These are just some of the roles many women around us have.  In Scripture, women are all of these and more.  Women are leaders, followers, survivors, dancers.  Often these stories are eclipsed by the more popular stories about men in scripture.  For the next 8 weeks we’ll take time to see what we can learn from the women of scripture as they fight, love, and lead. Let’s learn from women.

Sunday, June 26, 2002—Indoor Service
Lectio Divina (Don Rider is preaching)
Scripture:  2 Kings 2:1-2,6-14
Click here to view the service.
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

Sunday, June 19, 2002—Indoor Service
Camp Sunday!
Click here to view the service (starts at the 36:35 mark).
Click here to hear the hymns we will be singing.

Sunday, June 12, 2022—Indoor Service
Scripture:  Acts 9:36-42
Click here to view the service (starts at the 16:56 mark).

Without leaders we flounder.  Tabitha, also known as Dorcas, was a leader in the early Christian movement.  When she suddenly died, the other followers were terrified.  Who would make clothes for those who couldn’t afford them?  Who would organize them?  Who would lead them in doing the work of being Christ-followers.  In their fear, they reach out to Peter asking for help.  He comes to town, resurrects her, and she promptly begins serving him as if nothing has happened.  What if we all led like women?

Sunday, June 05, 2022—Indoor Service
Desparate—Bleeding Woman
Scripture:  Luke 8: 40-54
Click here to view the service (starts at the 8:30 mark).

Have you ever been desperate?  In Luke, the bleeding woman is desperate.  She has tried everything for twelve years and yet is still bleeding.  This means she cannot enter the temple; she cannot enter society,  Doctors have tried everything and yet there was no relief.  By the time she learns about Jesus, she is desperate for a cure.  Sometimes desperation is a gift.  Out of her desperation, she is healed.  Sometimes we need to be desperate like a woman.  Join us as we seek God together.

Sunday, May 29, 2022—Service canceled (both in-person and online)

Sunday, May 22, 2022—Virtual Service
Lost Sheep
Scripture:  Luke 15:1-7
Click here to view the service (starts at the 18:00 mark).

True love often begins in loyalty.  Ruth is famous for her loyalty to her mother-in-law.  Her loyalty means that Naomi doesn’t go hungry, isn’t lonely, and has a chance at a future.  When has someone else’s loyalty (or lack of loyalty) made a difference in your life?  If only we could all be loyal like a woman.  Join us as we seek God together.

Sunday, May 15, 2022—Indoor Service
Scripture:  Exodus 15: 20-27
Click here to view the service (starts at the 8:48 mark).

Have you ever danced in pure joy?  After crossing the Red Sea, Miriam (Moses’ older sister), leads the women in a dance of joyful praise to God.  Sometimes dancing is the absolute most faithful way to celebrate God’s goodness in our lives.  Sometimes you need to dance like a woman!  Join us as we seek God together.

Sunday, May 08, 2022—Indoor Service
Scripture:  Esther 1
Click here to view the service (starts at the 16:50 mark).

Sometimes “no” is the most important word in our vocabulary.  When Queen Vashti says “no” to the King she loses her throne but paves a way of resistance for Queen Esther to save the Jewish people.  When have you had to say a difficult “no”?  Let’s learn to refuse like a woman.  Join us as we seek God together.

Sunday, May 01, 2022—Indoor Service
Scripture:  Genesis 16: 1-13
Click here to view the service.

Have you ever had to fight to survive?  Hager has one of the roughest roles in scripture.  She is forced into survival mode again and again, and yet she is also the only person in scripture to name God.  Let’s bear witness as she survives like a woman.  Join us as we seek God together.
Click here to view the service.

Sunday, April 24, 2022—Indoor Service
Deborah Ambrose, preaching
[This service was not recorded.]

Sunday, April 17, 2022—Indoor Service
(Easter Sunday)
Scripture:  John 20:1-18
Click here to view the service.

Good Friday Service

Friday, April 15, 2022—Indoor Service

Joint service with St. Paul UMC, Mt. Tabor UMC, and Wesley Grove UMC.

Click here to view the service.

Outside the Box Sermon Series

Sunday, April 10, 2022—Indoor Service
(Palm Sunday, Sixth Sunday of Lent)
Outside the Box:  Love or Hate?
Bible Reading:  John 19:16b-22
Click here to view the service (starts at the 22:50 mark).

How much is loyalty worth?  For Palm Sunday this year we are going to wrestle with love and hate.  In John 12, the people love Jesus and praise him with palm branches as he enters Jerusalem on a donkey for his second Passover.  In John 19, Jesus enters Jerusalem a year later to an entirely different crowd.  This one is calling for his death.  In just one year so much has changed.  How quickly do your opinions change?  When is it right to shift our opinions?  When it is right to be loyal?  Join us as we break out of our boxes together.

Sunday, April 03, 2022—Indoor Service
(Fifth Sunday of Lent)
Outside the Box:  Law or Anarchy?
Bible Reading:  John 19:1-16a
Click here to view the service (starts at the 7:46 mark).

Sunday, March 27, 2022—Indoor Service
(Fourth Sunday of Lent)
Outside the Box:  Leader or Traitor?
Bible Reading:  John 18:28-40
Click here to view the service (starts at the 6:46 mark).

Sunday, March 20, 2022—Indoor Service
(Third Sunday of Lent)
Outside the Box:  Violence or Denial?
Bible Reading:  John 18:12-27
Click here to view the service (starts at the 20:10 mark).

Sunday, March 13, 2022—Indoor Service
(Second Sunday of Lent)
Outside the Box:  All or Nothing?
Bible Reading:  John 13:1-17
Click here to view the service.

Sunday, March 06, 2022—Indoor Service
(First Sunday of Lent)
Outside the Box:  Death or Life?
Bible Reading:  John 11:1-44
Click here to view the service.

Come and See Sermon Series

Sunday, February 27, 2022—Indoor Service
Come and See:  The Man Born Blind
Bible Reading:  John 9:1-41, Psalm 27:1-4
Click here to view the service.

Sunday, February 20, 2022—Indoor Service
Come and See:  Living Water
Bible Reading:  John 7:37-52, Psalm 147:1-11
Click here to view the service.

Sunday, February 13, 2022—Virtual Service
Come and See:  Bread of Life
Bible Reading:  John 6:35-59, Psalm 34:1-10
Click here to view the service.

Sunday, February 06, 2022—Virtual Service
Come and See:  Healing Stories
Bible Reading:  John 4:46-54 [5:1-18], Psalm 40:1-5
Click here to view the service.

Sunday, January 30, 2022—Virtual Service
Come and See:  The Woman at the Well
Bible Reading:  John 4:1-15, Psalm 42:1-3
Click here to view the service (starts at the 12:47 mark).

Sunday, January 23, 2022—Virtual Service
Come and See:  Check Your Ego
Bible Reading:  John 3:1-21, Psalm 139:13-18
Click here to view the service (starts at the 16:50 mark).

Sunday, January 16, 2022—Virtual Service
Come and See:  Worship Matters
Bible Reading:  John 2:13-25, Psalm 127:1-2
Click here to view the service.

Sunday, January 09, 2022—Virtual Service
Jesus Says Come and See
Bible Reading:  John 1:35-51
Click here to view the service.

Click here to visit the 2024 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2023 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2021 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2020 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2019 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2018 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2017 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2016 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2015 Sermons Series Archive.

Click here to visit the 2014 Sermons Series Archive.



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