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GROW >> Bible Study Series—What Is The Bible?


Scroll down for the Reading Schedule.

From the Amazon Web Site:
How well do you know the Bible?  Do you know the stories? Do you know how the Bible is organized and how those texts were chosen?  Have you ever thought about all the different ways people approach the Bible and decided for yourself what to think?  If you said "no" to any of these questions, you need What Is the Bible?

This six-week study in basic biblical literacy assumes no prior knowledge of the Bible and is not biased toward any particular Christian tradition.  It is the first course in the popular set of Bible studies Exploring the Bible: The Dickinson Series.

A detailed Leader's Guide for this study is sold separately.  You can learn more about the series and how you can earn a Certificate in Biblical Literacy at

A reminder that fellowship time starts at 6:30 P.M. with the study lasting from 7:00–8:00 P.M.

Click here to join the meeting via Zoom.

Click here to purchase the book from ChristianBook.
Click here to purchase the book from Amazon.

Contact Rev. Emily with your questions ...


Reading Schedule (October 11, 2023 through November 15, 2023)

October 11, 2023
Book Reading:  Session 01—Orientation to the Bible

October 18, 2023
Book Reading:  Session 02—Choosing a Bible

October 25, 2023
Book Reading:  Session 03—Overview of the Old Testament

November 01, 2023
Book Reading:  Session 04—Overview of the New Testament

November 08, 2023
Book Reading:  Session 05—The Bible and Its Authority

November 15, 2023
Book Reading:  Session 06—Archaeology and the Bible


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