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GROW >> Bible Study Series:  Like A Woman


Beginning Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. we’ll take time to see what we can learn from the women of scripture as they fight, love, and lead.  Daughter, mother, aunt, sister.  These are just some of the roles many women around us have.  In Scripture, women are all of these and more.  Women are leaders, followers, survivors, dancers.  Often these stories are eclipsed by the more popular stories about men in scripture.

April 27, 2022 (Week Two)
Scripture:  Genesis 16: 1-13
Have you ever had to fight to survive?  Hager has one of the roughest roles in scripture.  She is forced into survival mode again and again, and yet she is also the only person in scripture to name God.  Let’s bear witness as she survives like a woman.  Join us as we seek God together.

May 04, 2022 (Week Three)
Scripture:  Esther 1
Sometimes “no” is the most important word in our vocabulary.  When Queen Vashti says “no” to the King she loses her throne but paves a way of resistance for Queen Esther to save the Jewish people.  When have you had to say a difficult “no”?  Let’s learn to refuse like a woman.  Join us as we seek God together.

May 11, 2022 (Week Four)
Scripture:  Exodus 15: 20-27
Have you ever danced in pure joy?  After crossing the Red Sea, Miriam (Moses’ older sister), leads the women in a dance of joyful praise to God.  Sometimes dancing is the absolute most faithful way to celebrate God’s goodness in our lives.  Sometimes you need to dance like a woman!  Join us as we seek God together.

May 18, 2022 (Week Five)
Scripture:  Ruth 1:1-18
True love often begins in loyalty.  Ruth is famous for her loyalty to her mother-in-law.  Her loyalty means that Naomi doesn’t go hungry, isn’t lonely, and has a chance at a future. When has someone else’s loyalty (or lack of loyalty) made a difference in your life?  If only we could all be loyal like a woman.  Join us as we seek God together.

May 25, 2022 (Week Six)
Advise—Deborah (Memorial Day)
Scripture:  Judges 4: 4-10
Who do you seek advice from?  Deborah is an ancient prophetess who counseled the Israelites during wartime.  She helped them to win the day and remain independent.  The men, however, were ashamed to be led by a woman.  They had to choose between their misplaced pride and their safety.  God works with us, no matter our gender.  Let us seek and give advice like women.  Join us as we seek God together.

June 01, 2022 (Week Seven)
There will NOT be a meeting on this Wednesday.

June 08, 2022 (Week Eight)
Scripture:  Acts 9:36-42
Without leaders we flounder.  Tabitha, also known as Dorcas, was a leader in the early Christian movement.  When she suddenly died, the other followers were terrified.  Who would make clothes for those who couldn’t afford them?  Who would organize them?  Who would lead them in doing the work of being Christ-followers.  In their fear, they reach out to Paul asking for help.  He comes to town, resurrects her, and she promptly begins serving him as if nothing has happened.  What if we all led like women?


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