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GROW >> Bible Study:  Outside The Box—A Lent of Breaking Free


An Online Study Starting March 02, 2022

Have you ever gotten stuck in a box?  Have you ever gotten stuck in thinking life is a series of “this vs. that” or “right vs. wrong” or “my way vs. their way” or “mask vs. no mask” decisions?

Following our Lenten Booklet, we will journey through weekly scripture readings in the Gospel of John, daily practices, and thought-provoking questions as we try to break out of the boxes the world tries to shove us into.  If you are tired of division and are looking for a better way, this is the study for you.  Booklets will be available soon in the Sanctuary and online.  Need one mailed?  Let us know!

Booklets will be available Sundays in the Sanctuary and online.  Need one mailed?  Let us know!

Click here to view the "Outside The Box" booklet.

Begin your Lenten Journey with Ash Wednesday Worship, March 02, 2022 at 7:30 P.M. at St. Paul UMC in Laytonsville.  A link to "attend" on Zoom will be emailed on Tuesday.

Join us on Wednesday evenings.  The first class will be on March 09, 2022.  We’ll gather on ZOOM from 6:30–7:00 P.M. for fellowship.  Discussion will go from 7:00–8:00 P.M.  Click here to join the meeting via ZOOM.

Contact Rev. Emily with your questions ...

Reading Schedule (March 02, 2022 through April 06, 2022)

March 02, 2022 (Week One)
NOTE—There will not be any Zoom discussion this week.  Instead, you may wish to attend the Ash Wednesday service at St. Paul UMC at 7:30 P.M. or watch the service live online.  A hyplink will be posted.
Death or Life?
Bible Reading:  John 11:1-44
Do you need a resurrection?  Mary, Martha, and all their friends believed that death had taken Lazarus for good.  Jesus proves that he is not subject to life and death by bringing Lazarus back to life.  What situations around you are “dead” and need a resurrection?  Join us as we break out of our boxes together.
Click here to view this week's Working Preacher Commentary.

March 09, 2022 (Week Two)
All or Nothing?
Bible Reading:  John 13:1-17
Will you ever have enough?  Peter was offended that Jesus, his Teacher and Lord, would bend down to wash his feet, a job for servants!  Jesus tells him the washing is necessary, and Peter immediately oscillates to another extreme, “well, Lord, wash all of me!”  Peter, like many of us, doesn’t understand “enough.”  Washing his feet is enough.  It’s sufficient. What is already “enough” in your life that doesn’t need more improvement?  Join us as we break out of our boxes together.
Click here to view this week's Working Preacher Commentary.

March 16, 2022 (Week Three)
Violence or Denial?
Bible Reading:  John 18:12-27
Can we live outside the box?  Peter (poor Peter) can’t decide if he should defend Jesus to death or deny him completely.  He can’t see a way forward where he follows Jesus confidently without violently defending him.  Have you ever struggled with living your faith?  Sometimes, when we struggle, we want to defend it against all the odds.  Other times, we want to bury our heads in the sand and ignore God for a while.  Is it possible to live in a comfortable middle during challenges?  Join us as we break out of our boxes together.
Click here to view this week's Working Preacher Commentary.

March 23, 2022 (Week Four)
Leader or Traitor?
Bible Reading:  John 18:28-40
What if Jesus is more than our categories?  Pilate is a law-abiding law keeper.  He wants Jesus to fit into a neat category where he is either leading a revolution or is a traitor to his people’s peace.  However, Jesus isn’t interested in worldly categories of kingship.  Jesus doesn’t fit in the box.  Do you struggle to put Jesus into a box?  “He’s just my friend,” “He’s just a teeny baby,” “He’s the King of all,” “He’s just a good guy.”  What if Jesus doesn’t fit into your box?  Join us as we break out of our boxes together.
Click here to view this week's Working Preacher Commentary.

March 30, 2022 (Week Five)
Law or Anarchy?
Bible Reading:  John 19:1-16a
Are we ever called to break the rules?  Because Jesus doesn’t fit into our boxes, Pilate couldn’t find a reason to crucify Jesus or to release him.  The community leaders were dead set on crucifying him to protect their own power, so they do their best to force Pilate’s hand.  Pilate felt he had to uphold the law and keep the people happy, even though it went against his better judgment.  Are there times when you feel you must follow a rule (in church, in the world, in your family), even when it is unjust?  When should we break rules to get outside the box with Christ?  Join us as we break out of our boxes together.
Click here to view this week's Working Preacher Commentary.

April 06, 2022 (Week Six)
Love or Hate?
Bible Reading:  John 12:12-27
How much is loyalty worth?  For Palm Sunday this year, we are going to wrestle with love and hate.  In John 12, the people love Jesus and praise him with palm branches as he enters Jerusalem on a donkey for his second Passover.  In John 19, Jesus enters Jerusalem a year later to an entirely different crowd.  This one is calling for his death.  In just one year so much has changed.  How quickly do your opinions change?  When is it right to shift our opinions?  When it is right to be loyal?  Join us as we break out of our boxes together.
Click here to view this week's Working Preacher Commentary.

NOTE that there are a series of BONUS readings from John for contemplation during Holy Week.
Click here to view this week's Working Preacher Commentary.


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