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Welcome to Salem United Methodist Church!

"Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here."


Welcome!  We're glad you're here!

Are you thinking about visiting?  Before attending our worship service, you might consider:

Reaching out and let us know that you’re coming!  We would love to connect with you.  Email our pastor, Rev. Emily Hart (
Dress comfortably.
We LOVE having children in worship.  They add joy and reality.  If you have wiggly ones with you, there is a “children’s corner” with books, coloring, and toys near the usher’s station.  Our pastor may also invite them to be part of worship (we do a “body prayer” that kids are especially good at!).  If you would prefer to have childcare during the service, reach out via email and we will provide it!
  Driving up and entering the building:
  The address of the church is 12 High Street (Georgia Avenue), Brookeville, MD  20833.
  Click here to view a map showing the location of the church.
  Our parking lot has two entrances, so if you miss the first one, take the next turn and you’re in!
  We have a few “visitor parking” spots near the entrance. Feel free to park in one of those.
  Our church has two main entrances.  The accessible entrance is up the ramp off the parking lot.  The other is around the side of the building through the glass door. Feel free to use whichever entrance you prefer!
  If you come in through the ramp entrance, come down the hallway and turn left.  You’ll see the door to the sanctuary.  If you come in through the glass doors simply turn right and you’ll see the sanctuary.
  Worship Information:
  Bathrooms are located directly outside the sanctuary.
  Be prepared to move around during the body prayer ... if you so choose!
  Worship is typically 45–60 minutes.
  We collect an offering during the service.  You can give in the plate by check or cash.  If you prefer to give online you can scan our QR code (in the bulletin) and give securely through PayPal.  All money collected goes towards the church and its missions (see below).  To see our budget, reach out to Mary Kay Abramson (
  For the most up-to-date information, class offerings, our newsletter, our history, and more check out our website:

Interested in baptism?  Talk to our pastor, Rev. Emily Hart (

  Community Work At-A-Glance:
  On the first Friday of every month we cook and serve at The Lord’s Table in Gaithersburg to provide meals to people who are homeless or food insecure. You are welcome to join us!
  Every Tuesday our Prayer Partners meet to pray for all of our prayer requests together.
  Every Friday our Prayer Shawl ministry gathers to crochet our beautiful prayer shawls.  They are free to take and give to someone who needs prayer.  Feel free to take one today!
  We have a continuous collection for Olney Help, a local food pantry that supports food insecure families in Olney.  The collection bin is located in the front left of the sanctuary under the table.  To learn more about their mission and what they currently need, click on this hyperlink ... 612_serve-community.php.
  During the holidays we support various ministries.  Check the announcements to see what we’re currently doing!
  Do you have ideas for local missions?  Talk to our pastor, Rev. Emily Hart (
  Other Useful Information:
  Click here to visit our Announcements Web Page.
  If you’d like to receive our weekly email, fill out the form below.
  Our building is available to rent.  If you are interested, reach out to Gene Haines (

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The word “Salem” comes from the Hebrew word—shalom—which means peace, to experience a sense
of completeness, to grow in faith and to know God’s love.  Come, check us out!  And check out this great video—
"Reasons (why people don't go to church)."

Web Site Design by Mindsights Mediaworks
Copyright © 2025  Salem United Methodist Church  All Rights Reserved

Site Last Updated:  March 24, 2025
Site Redesign Start Date:  February 26, 2018